Presents a dialog box for editing scale, range of motion, and position of the World. This is the current view angle. Changes the perspective angle of the World view to Orthographic or no perspective. This is the current view angle. Changes the perspective angle of the World view to Narrow. This is the current view angle. Changes the perspective angle of the World view to Moderate. This is the current view angle. Changes the perspective angle of the World view to Wide. This is the current view angle. Changes the perspective angle of the World view to Very Wide. Sets render mode for drawing objects with smooth tonal gradation between polygons and localized reflected highlight. Not available because the World window is not active. Sets render mode for drawing objects with smooth tonal gradation between polygons and localized reflected highlight using a technique called Phong shading. Sets render mode for drawing a tone-pattern on each polygon of the objcect depending on the direction of the lights. Not available because the World window is not active. Sets render mode for drawing a tone-pattern on each polygon of the objcect depending on the direction of the lights. Sets render mode for drawing a combination of the Hidden Line and Shade render modes. Not available because the World window is not active. Sets render mode for drawing a combination of the Hidden Line and Shade render modes. Sets render mode for drawing lines only for the surface polygons that are facing the viewer. Not available because the World window is not active. Sets render mode for drawing lines only for the surface polygons that are facing the viewer. Sets render mode for drawing lines for all sides of the polygons that make up the object. Not available because the World window is not active. Sets render mode for drawing lines for all sides of the polygons that make up the object. Toggles between rendering all objects as rectangular solids, or in their true form. Not available because the World window is not active. Toggles between rendering all objects as rectangular solids, or in their true form. When Fast Cubes is active, rendering is much faster. Toggles between rendering all objects in the World as a group or individually. Not available because the World window is not active. Toggles between rendering all objects in the World as a group or individually. Presents a dialog box for changing the size and resolution of the Workspace. Not available because the World window is not active. Presents a dialog box for changing the size and resolution of the Workspace. Render menu The Render menu contains commands for changing the appearance of objects within the World. Changes the point of view to look from the center of the selected object. Changes the point of view so that the bottom of the object is centered and facing the viewer. Changes the point of view so that the top of the object is centered and facing the viewer. Changes the point of view so that the right side of the object is centered and facing the viewer. Changes the point of view so that the left side of the object is centered and facing the viewer. Changes the point of view so that the back side of the object is centered and facing the viewer. Changes the point of view so that the front side of the object is centered and facing the viewer. This option is active. Displays rulers in the Section views. Not available because the Object window is not active. Displays rulers in the Section views. This option is active. This alternative to the default matrix grid in the Object window allows for shaping round forms. Polar Grid uses the angle increment defined by Attitude Grid in the Object menu. Not available because the Object window is not active. This alternative to the default matrix grid in the Object window allows for shaping round forms. Polar Grid uses the angle increment defined by Attitude Grid in the Object menu. This option is active. Uses the divisions setting of Rulers in the Object menu as a grid for the Object window. Not available because the Object window is not active. Uses the divisions setting of Rulers in the Object menu as a grid for the Object window. Presents a dialog box for editing an object's form or changing the way object forms are rendered. Not available because the World window is not active or because no extrusion object is selected. Presents a dialog box for setting the thickness of an extrusion object. Presents a dialog box for editing an object's form or changing the way object forms are rendered. Not available because the World window is not active or because no object is selected. Presents a dialog box for editing an object's form or changing the way object forms are rendered. Presents a dialog box for setting the Attitude Grid for the selected object or all objects. Not available because the World window is not active. Presents a dialog box for setting the Attitude Grid for the selected object or all objects.